If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you may remember how excited I get when "my" raspberries are ripe. (funny thing is I don't really like eating them. But I do love raspberry flavor) The first bowl of these red beauties came home with me the other day. The reason I put quotes around the word my, is because I don't like to claim these sweeties as mine. I didn't have anything to do with there being on my farm. I think they are a wild variety. My preference is to think of the raspberries as a gift from God. Not asked for, we just happen to own the land they are growing on. And they seem to become more plentiful each year. So, I pick them. And make delicious muffins, sauces, dressings, and syrups. Yum! Aren't they beautiful?
And, I took these pics of the rest of the farm bounty from the day. The flowers were plenitful too, so I decided to bring some home. The other picture is one days pickings from the zucchini fields.
love the pictures of your bountiful life.