I've been doing a lot of thinking lately during a transition time in my life. These speedbump days can be trying to get though, for me. Life is good but change is hard sometimes. So walking through the veggie gardens this morning I had a little breakthrough in my thinking and therefore also with the small writers block I've experienced lately.
My garden is full of weeds. Although it is still producing fruit (tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cabbage), it is hard to recognize it because you have to look beneath the weeds to see the good stuff. But it's all still there.
So, in life, it sometimes happens that the weeds tend to overtake the good fruit. I get sluggish, unproductive and cranky. I know that I need to weed out the weeds in my life and get back to the good stuff. But it can hurt to pull up those weeds. Some of the weeds are relationships that have become unhealthy or stagnant. Some of the weeds are not really harmful by themselves but just because of the large amount of them, they choke out our production or our fruit. Clutter and noise and weeds all block out the voice of our heavenly Father. The weeds take our attention away from what we are supposed to be doing here or our purpose.
I have given up on keeping the weeds under control in my garden, but I am not giving up on clearing the weeds, clutter and noise from my life. I recommit to the purpose of my life. I am productive again.
John 15 :1-2 I am the true vine; my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit. And he trims and cleans every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit.
Love, love, love this post! It is soooo true!!! Thank you for expressing the truth so eloquently!