Monday, October 15, 2012

My Lesson in Flower Arranging

Fall Flower Arrangements

Beautiful Fall Colors

This mini vase was filled with the scraps!

Have you ever done something you didn't think you would enjoy only to find out that the "thing" does appeal to you?  That describes me and flower arranging. I like flowers. Just prefer that the arranging be done for me.  Or so I thought, until last year about this time.  We have a local florist, Julie,  that I asked to teach some basic flower arranging for our store's classes.  Well let me tell you, I had no idea that so many people wanted to learn how to arrange flowers!  The classes are well taught, organized, and result in a splendid product that the student gets to take home and enjoy.  The flowers from Little House of Flowers are of such high quality that most people enjoy their arrangements for two weeks, with proper water changing and care. 

At the very first class offered, I decided at the last minute, to take the class along with my customers.  And, I was hooked.  There is a system and a plan to the whole design thing!  And you can add your own style and flair to the arrangement.  While all the arrangements looked perfect, each one had its own style.  I credit this to a combination of a caring teacher and quality ingredients.  

You are probably wondering what exactly did I learn.  While Julie does impart the names and origins of each component of the arrangement, I truthfully don't remember many of the names.  But I have learned that the display is built from the bottom and a good foundation is crucial to any design.  You start with your greens and work the corners first.  Next, fill in the outer edges.  Now start to build the center with the taller flowers.  You continue to follow the shape of the design and lo and behold you have your centerpiece.    

Since the first class, I have not missed one!  I sign up for each class and learn something new every time.  September's class was totally my style, using a mason jar and tied with twine.  Enjoy the photos.  And if you are in the Maryland area and want to brighten your day, call Little House of Flowers and treat yourself to one of their unique designs. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I’m stopping in to invite you to join us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick
