Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Peek at the Past- Facing the New Year

It seems like only a few weeks ago, that we brought home the first chicks of 2012.  There are always at least a handful of new chicks that end up in our coop each year.   This year we added two White Rock, one Black Sex-linked, and two Ameraucana chicks

Three of this years babies out for the first time.  You can read more about Cecily, Amelia and Mystery by going here

Gary Goat and Buddy Goat said a sad good bye to Lucy their stall mate.  Lucy was a Nubian doe given to us by a friend when she moved from the area.   We had her for 10 years. 

Ducks and Turkeys were added to our flock.  Thanks to my sweet husband and sons for building a new duck house and adding on fencing panels when we needed to separate the turkeys from the ducks.

Chief.  Our indispensable farm dog and helper.   He can round up any wayward chickens and convince them to go back in the pen and never hurt even a feather on their body.  Not to mention, predator prevention!

This year we tried two new wool processors for our farm fiber.  Both did an excellent job and I am looking forward to marketing the fiber and yarn this coming year.  Look for my new Etsy shop, connected to this site to open in January of 2013.  Small run yarn batches, roving and raw fiber in addition to other fiber related items to be added soon.

We attended many tractor shows this year and found many treasures to add to the farmstead at the flea markets.  I have found some very interesting farm memorabilia and tools at the tractor show flea markets.

After a particularly hard molt this year, the girls are looking pretty good by late fall.  Only one chicken did not regrow her feathers (yet)

Still cleaning up downed trees and debris from the spring storms as fall approached.  We lost one complete garden patch, a shed and the horse/stock trailer when a devastating Derecho type wind storm went through on June 30

Gus, the tom in the turkey duo sure grew into a handsome bird.  He survived both Thanksgiving and Christmas with grace.

Fall means County Fair time for us.  We enjoyed the horse pull contest and visiting the animal exhibits to see our friends that were showing this year.

I canned more than ever before!  Many gifts included jars of salsa, apples or jellies this year, at Christmas.

Poultry Area at the end of 2012.  Thankful for each and every improvement we were able to make this year. 

Happy New Year to all my family, friends and readers, here at Timber Creek Farm.  There's lots planned for 2013 so I hope you will check in often and comment when you can.  I love to hear from you and thank you for the growth on this page in 2012.  May you have a beautiful  year to come.



  1. What an abundant year! May your 2013 offer double the blessings ! !

  2. What material do you cover the top of your run with? We have a similar run but can't decide what to cover it with. We are concerned about a heavy snow causing the covering to come down into the run.

  3. On the duck pen we used chicken wire rolls and bent the wire over the sides. Not sure how it will hold up to heavy snow It was mainly to keep hawks out. In the chicken area we have a large tarp in one corner. That was put up for shade last summer but does ok in rain too. To prevent the hawks swooping in I ran rope and caution tape in a zigzag across the open areas. Probably doesn't look that pretty but it works!
