Monday, February 18, 2013

Manna Pro Egg Wipes- A Product Review

This is a product review.  It was not solicited by the product manufacturer.  I am not receiving any payment or exchange of goods for this post.

Wipe 'N Wash

Manna Pro Egg Wipes
Product Test

chicken egg
duck egg

 How would the eggs wipes compare to wiping off the eggs with warm water.    I have seen reviews of egg wipes used on lightly soiled chicken eggs.  You know the ones.  A little streak of dirt here or there, or maybe a few chicken footprints on the egg shell.  But how would the Manna Pro Egg Wipes stand up to one of our DUCK EGGS. Yes I put them to the test.  My ducks lay delicious, extra jumbo, often double yoked, beauties of eggy delight.  But their big large duck feet have no problem stepping all over the eggs in the nest, leaving behind the muddiest, stained eggs I have ever seen.  No way I could give a dozen of these eggs to anyone.  I don't even want them sitting on my kitchen counter.  They just look unappetizing and maybe even unsanitary.  Yech! 

Normally, I use a fine scrubbing pad to clean the dirt off of the soiled eggs.  I know that it is better to keep the eggs with out removing the bloom from the outside of the shell, but tell me you wouldn't want to scrub off these dirty duck eggs.  I used the Manna Pro Wipes on the egg on the left and used my scrubby sponge and warm water on the egg on the right.  

All eggs were thoroughly rinsed after cleaning..  The Manna Pro Wipes were successful at removing the dirt and debris, but the stains were left behind.  

left egg- manna pro wipe      right egg- scrubbing sponge

The Manna Pro brand Wipe "N Wash wipes are handy to have around for lightly soiled eggs but are not enough to clean my duck eggs the way I want them to be cleaned.  I usually do not buy a lot of convenience type cleaning products anyway., and while I appreciated the chance to test drive the wipes, I probably would not buy them. 


  1. How refreshing to read a candid review that does not leave me feeling like the product discussed is flawless and perfect in all its aspects. I really appreciate the honestly of your experience. I probably would be more inclined to purchase the product now- for chicken eggs. And, I wouldn't be disappointed.

    Well written, Janet. Thanks!

  2. Oh thank you Sonja! Your comment made my day because I was worried someone might think I was being cheap or hard on the product. If I just had chicken eggs with a little stain or dirt the wipes would be handy to have around.

  3. Thanks for the honest and fair review and I understand about the duck eggs...I just order egg wipes the other day..have never used them before but thought I would give them a try. At least I now know that they are good for the chicken eggs.

  4. I had the same thoughts when I tried them. In addition, I did not like rubbing a dirty egg with a dirty cloth and rinsed all the eggs that were wiped.

  5. I have often wondered about these cleaning options. I'll stick with warm water and wiping my eggs off. You're right, my duck eggs are horrible looking, but delicious. Thanks for sharing your test results!
