Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Early Spring Walk in the Woods

 One recent winter day, the temperatures felt quite spring like.  We decided to take a walk in our woods.
On first glance the property seemed brown and desolate.  So much brown to be seen. Where was spring?

 As we walked, I looked for signs of spring.  The signs were there, just waiting to be discovered.
Like some of the trees beginning to get green leaves.  And the gelatin islands of tadpole eggs sitting in the water.  Soon the tiny frogs will be singing their song. 

 The water in the stream running clear and strong from the winter's  rains. 

the end

And green ferns springing up from between rocks and tree stumps.  It was the last two weeks of winter, but spring was on the way.


  1. What a sunny day you had. The brown woods look lovely. It will probably be at least two weeks of snow melting before we get to see brown again!

  2. I guess when you only see white snow, the brown earth looks pretty good! We did not get any real snow this year
