Monday, April 22, 2013

Verticle Vegetable Gardening Giveaway!

Vertical Vegetable Gardening and Pottery Bowl giveaway!

A few months back, I was privileged to write a review of Chris McLaughlin's new book, Vertical Vegetable Gardening.  Since writing the review, this book has become even more important to me when planning my spring and summer gardens.  I am using more containers and planting veggies  that can climb up a support structure.  I am looking forward to a better harvest and less waste and rot from plants lying on the ground.  Not only these tips, but much more in depth information on how to create a successful garden in limited space.

And here's the best news of all.  I have an extra copy of Vertical Vegetable Gardening!  A giveaway must be held! And it's the perfect time of year to hold one.  I hope you will enter the drawing and spread the word.  To sweeten the deal even more, I am also including a pottery bowl from Nelle Designs.  I love this bowl and the eggs painted inside.  Perfect for chicken lovers, bird lovers and nature lovers.

So enter below and good luck to all! Contest ends on May 1, 2013, at midnight!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. When will the giveaway be opening? I would LOVE to win this book!

  2. The giveaway begins at midnight tonight. I am sorry that networked blogs auto posted the blog post before I was ready for it! I will be announcing it this evening. Thanks! and good luck

  3. We just moved, so I will have a new garden. I plan on having sweet potatoes, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and make a 3 sisters with corn, watermellon and peas.

  4. Love yourpage and now following your BLOG ... so excited! And thank you for the chance to enter!

  5. Great page and blog!
    We've just built a patio and I coincidentally just explained to my hubby that I'd like to put up a vertical garden as a privacy fence on one side. This book would be serendipitous. :-)

  6. We have 2 gardens and are trying something new this year. We put up Fencing around an old arbor frame and will try to grow zuchini and squash trellis like!

  7. Thanks for the chance to win this great prize!

    Marilyn in MS

  8. This would be a great book to have.I am always looking for ways to expand my garden

  9. I have a lot of new items to grow this year. Trying rhubarb and asparagus for the first time. I try to sneak in as many containers as I can.

  10. I just ordered Chris's book, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Small-Space Gardening" and could not put it down. I would love to add this one to my growing collection.

    Thanks for hosting this give-away!

    Sonja Twombly

  11. Our garden is well underway...we have 3 raised beds, and 3 vertical towers. We are trying to use as mush gassy area as garden as we can. We have planted many trees and bushes and will add more perennials and annuals!

  12. We are planning on doing container gardening with leaky stock tanks...until we have our own property where we will put in some raised beds!

  13. Well, I love this bowl!! I have told my hubby and pretty much everyone that knows me that I can pass up shoes, clothes, and jewelery no problem, but tableware and linens will drive me broke! Did I mention I love this bowl?!? I love the book too, and I would love to read it. As I have tried to ever expand my growing space, vertical gardening is the way to go on sheds, fences, and the side of my house! It looks great, I can't wait to read it!!

  14. The book would be awesome. I'm excited to learn about this blog.

  15. Peggy your comment had me laughing out loud! I am a fanatic about dishes too. Have way too many to house so I decorate with them and store eggs in them and use them for all sorts of projects. LOL

  16. I'm going to try straw bale gardening this year, I've got so many weeds and have had an awful time with blight the past few years, plus my back is bad, so bending too long really hurts.

  17. we live in an apartment and will be moving in we have lined our patio with pots and planted...hopefully we will be able to move them with out to much fuss when the time comes!

  18. I'm primarily working with my perennial flowers this year, but I may put a few veggies out as well...

  19. last year i started wth my fencing to use for vertical gardening we did beans = cantaloupe-and also used for my tomatillos --i find it helps for space --its interesting what you can learn from vertical gardeing

  20. This year I am working on trying some creative gardening to expand my planting areas. This book would be exactly what I need. Wish me luck..hehe

  21. This is fantastic!! Can't wait to get my garden going this year :)

  22. This looks like a great book, I can always use more gardening space (& the bowl is beautiful!).

  23. My garden plans have been underweigh for quite a while. I just put in the eggplant, and I'm getting ready to start an onion patch. However, we've got lettuce, spinach, cabbage, peas, corn, broccoli, peppers, and cukes already going in there.

    Thanks for the giveaway, Janet! :)


  24. I believe that vertical gardening is the trend of the future, with food safety and availability now being so critical. Vertical gardening is a fun, attractive and utilitarian way to bring delicious food to the home and and gathering places.

    This would be a great project to write a school curriculum for. It encompasses so many opportunities for learning and fun.


  25. We're expanding from a few tomato plants last year to tomatoes, cukes, squash, beans, peppers, and some herbs. it's a huge change, but we're very excited!!

  26. Great giveaway Janet, thanks so much for hosting it!

  27. a square bale experiment, an Earth Box, a topsy turvey and a small garden in the ground!

  28. Great giveaway!
    Tina J

  29. I would like for the weather to warm up (in OK) so I can set my tomato plants out--and actually get tomatoes this year. . . . thanks for such a generous giveaway--and such an informative, interesting blog!

  30. I'm also doing more vertical gardening this year so I can maximize planting space! I can't believe I don't own Chris' book yet. ;-) I really need to clear out the cool weather crops and start planting the warm weather veggies. So much to do, so little time!

  31. Trying all heirloom seeds this year.

  32. That book would be great to save on space! The bowl is adorable!!!!

  33. Don't have much room in the backyard vertical would be the way to go and would love to get this book to learn from when I get the garden going.

  34. I had to downsize my garden last year because of reconstructive spinal surgery. This year I want to try and get it back by installing some raised beds. Having it raised up is now essential! Usually go with zucchini, yellow crookneck, pumpkin, heirloom tomatoes, peas, green & wax beans, potatoes...and whatever else I decide to try! Another great giveaway, so good luck to everyone!!!!

  35. I have my main garden already planted. I am hoping to add one for greens and one for melons. I also am on the look out for a cheap composter.

  36. I would absolutely love to win this book and bowl. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  37. I have limited garden space so I'd like to discover ways to grow vertically. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  38. Thank you for this opportunity! We are really trying to become more self-sufficient.

  39. My niece and I are growing a garden with corn, beans, peas, squash, eggplant, okra, tomatoes and peppers. We also are growing some herbs. We hope we get a good harvest.

  40. Our plans this year is to get a better fence around the garden, our young dog hops over the 2 ft tall chicken fence and ruins everything. Plus we want to supplement the soil with horse manure. Probably not much planting this year, but more garden prep. Every interested in the book topic and very pretty unique bowl. Thanks for the giveaway.
