Thursday, June 13, 2013

Raspberry Time

Looking forward to Raspberries, soon!

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you may remember how excited I get when "my" raspberries are ripe.   (funny thing is I don't really like eating them.  But I do love raspberry flavor)   The reason I put quotes around the word my, is because I don't like to claim these sweeties as mine.  I didn't have anything to do with the berry bushes being on my farm.  I think they are a wild variety.  My preference is to think of the raspberries as a gift from God.  Not asked for, we just happen to own the land they are growing on.  And they seem to become more plentiful each year. I am amazed at the fact that without any assistance from us, the raspberries flourish and produce large amounts of berries.   Except, last year was kind of disappointing in the raspberry patch.  I think our spring weather was too dry and the raspberries did not fatten up and become ripe.  But, this year, the plants are looking so healthy,  The branches are loaded with berries just waiting to burst open.  So, I look forward to that day.  The beautiful summer day when the first berry is ready to be picked.   And I will make delicious muffins, sauces, dressings, and syrups.  Yum!  Aren't they beautiful?


  1. Fond memories when we brought our Cousins Camp crew out to Timber Creek Farm and you so graciously shared those delicious raspberries!

  2. Do you have any good recipes to share? We are picking some in the AM.
