Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nelle Design Pottery





 This post is another first for my blog.

 I am recommending and promoting a local pottery artist!

But the great  news is Nelle Design pottery has a website so anyone can get their hands on this unique line.  Here's how this came about.

On a recent trip to our local farmer's market, I was looking for one vendor in particular.  A friend had shown me the website of this vendor and the beautiful pottery she creates.  And it was even more amazing in real life.  I am pleased to introduce you all to JaNelle of Nelle Design.  The pottery is durable and pretty.  I love the unusual  designs on the cups, bowls, baking dishes and mugs.  After learning more about Nelle form her website, the reason I like it so much becomes apparent.  Nelle and I , along with so many of you, share the homesteading vision.  The tag line for her line of  pottery is,

" handmade goods for a good life".

 This vision of homesteading, keeps family and tradition in it's heart.  This vision includes using our gifts and talents to create beautiful and useful items.  And this vision includes sharing those gifts with others.  
All in all, Nelle Pottery and the artist, Nelle, speak to my heart and the drive I have  to share beautiful, locally , handmade items with my friends.  
After choosing a few pieces of pottery to give as gifts this Christmas, I asked Nelle if I could feature her and her pottery and website here.  She readily agreed.  

 I hope that many of you will visit Nelle's website and see all the unique designs and pottery items for sale there.  If you are in the Annapolis, Maryland area, Nelle and her pottery are at the Farmer's Market located on Harry Truman Parkway every Saturday morning through December 22.  You can find more information on the Farmer's Market here.
 I am enjoying using Nelle's handmade goods in my homestead life.  So much so, that I went  back to the market to purchase another item  for a gift, so I would not have to part with the pieces I purchased the first time.

This is the first time I have featured an artist and her products on my blog.  I would only do  this if I felt the artist or crafts person truly  embodied the vision of  living a sustainable life and incorporating the vision of homesteading.  Look for a button on the sidebar,  soon, as Nelle and I work together to create a sponsorship button  for the blog. 

You know I had to have this bowl once I saw the rooster hiding inside the bowl

eggs in a nest!  One of my favorite graphic images on Nelle Pottery


  1. Oh I just love this pottery! I am hooked already and I haven't even visited her website yet. I'm headed over there now. I'm so glad you shared this. Thank you!

  2. Wow! These are beautiful. I'll have to look for her next time I'm at the farmers market. Maryland Randalls
