Monday, January 14, 2013

Chicken Nesting

One day I stopped to watch one of my hens gather up a clutch of eggs to sit on.  It was interesting to watch as she methodically pulled each egg under her body using her feet and beak. Quiet determination at its best. I was so glad I had my camera with me.  This is one of our Silver Laced Wyandotte hens.

this post was shared on Adorned From Above blog hop


  1. Awww how cute! She is a beauty. We had a golden laced wyandotte and she was gorgeous, too. But I do love the silver!

    Visiting from Backyard Farming Connection :)

  2. Thanks for stopping over Tammy. I will look for your page but it sounds familiar. I may already have found you! Love the Backyard Farming Connection. I was thinking about getting some other Wyandottes, like the golden or the blue

  3. :) I would love to have you join The HomeAcre Hop at:

  4. Thank you Lisa Lynn. I will go to the site and link up. Appreciate the opportunity!

  5. Hi Janet,
    Your hen is so pretty and I love the series of photos! I've watched mine do the same thing and it always tickles me :)
    Thanks so much for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!!!

  6. Thanks Lisa Lynn. I enjoyed your hop and will be hoping with you again!

  7. She is so cute. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Have a great week.
    Debi, Charly, Marci, and Suzan
