Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Care and Feeding of Barn Cats

Show me a good old American Barn and  I bet  I can find a barn cat or two there.  Some are placed there by the family,  to keep mice at bay, and some find their own way to a warm cozy barn. If the complete truth was known, some barn cats arrive at barns because litters of kittens are often dropped off at farms when no one is looking, by irresponsible cat owners.

Now that you have the barn, and the cat to go with it, how do you care for the outdoor working cat?  If you want the cat to live a long happy life, care for it much the same you would an indoor kitty.  Barn cats need quality food and a constant supply of fresh water.  Even though you may be hoping that the cat will be hungry enough to do a job of catching potentially damaging mice, they still need to be fed a diet that will keep them healthy and strong.  So what should you plan on when taking care of  a barn cat?  I put together a list of care requirements for the hard working barn cat.

1.  First and most important, spay or neuter your pet.  There are many consequences of having a fertile female or roaming tom cat on your property.  In addition to the obvious, unwanted litters of kittens, non neutered cats tend to wander, get in fights, and bring disease back to your barn.  Most communities have low cost spay and neuter programs available.  Neutering a male cat cuts down on the wandering a bit and keeps him closer to home so he can do his job.

2. Vaccinations.  Consult a veterinarian for the needed inoculations for your cats. A Rabies shot is a must for all animals and a requirement in many localities.  Contact with wildlife puts your cat  at higher risk for Rabies and Feline Leukemia in addition to other deadly diseases.

3.  Nutrition.  Did you know that cats are true carnivores?  This means they need to get their nutrition from meat.   Cats need protein.  Cat food is higher in protein and fat, than dog food.  Feed your cat a good quality cat food and your cat will perform better and remain healthier, with less allergies and less skin problems.  No matter  what you hear, cats do not thrive on catching mice alone.  They still need proper nutrition provided for them.   Try to give the cats a place to eat where the other animals won't bother them.  Our cats have to eat on a shelf, overlooking the goats pen, because the goats will eat the cat food if given a chance.  Also, racoons and other wildlife will be attracted to cat food so you may get some unwanted dinner guest.  And most important- plenty of fresh clean water! 

4. Breakaway collar or no collar.  Outdoor animals run into the risk of catching their collar on branches or other objects.  Breakaway collars are designed to break under pressure, so the animal is not injured.  Other, more costly alternatives would be micro chip or tattoo ID marking.

5   Get to  know your cat and its habits.  Just as you get to know if your house pet  is feeling poorly,  knowing your barn cat's personality and habits can go a long way to ward off a problem as soon as it starts.  If your cat normally greets you in the morning, it may ring alarm bells when the cat doesn't show up for breakfast.  If your cat likes to crawl into hiding places, it may get locked in a shed or worse, driven away by an unsuspecting visitor.  One time our cat ended up  in the next state by accidentally hitching a ride with the equine dentist.  After looking for the whole day and calling neighbors,  I remembered that the dentist and the vet had both been to our farm the day Tigger disappeared.  After calling and leaving a message with both parties, we heard back that Tigger had been found in the cargo area of the  dentist's truck by his wife.  The story had a happy ending but if I had not called, we may not have gotten Tigger back.  You see, I recalled that he liked to get into cars when people left the windows open.  Knowing his habits and behavior helped  us have a happy ending.

6. Shelter-  Presuming that your barn kitty has a barn to take shelter in, this would be sufficient shelter from weather,  If there is no building for the cat to go in, please consider providing somewhere out of the wind and rain for the cat to snuggle into during extremes in weather.

All of our barn cats have been treated as hard working members of the barn family.  They have a job and do it well.  They greet us first thing in the morning to let us know that every thing is ok.  Don't you just love it when they bring you the spoils of the hunt?  Just kidding.  At least we know that they are earning their keep!

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  1. Great piece and I LOVE all the kitty photos!

  2. Meredith/GreenCircleGroveJanuary 23, 2013 at 7:59 AM

    Nice! What a good subject for a post. Great photos, too.

  3. We've wondered about whether or not we'd need a cat. I guess my biggest concern is that they would use the garden for a litter box. I'm sorry if this is an ignorant question but we've never had cats before ~ just dogs.

  4. Thanks Mindie and Meredith,

    Jenny, we haven't ever had a problem with the cats destroying the gardens, or noticed them using it as a litter box. Mostly they just like to hang out in there with us and I sometimes find the cat lying under a leafy squash plant in the shade. Our dog actually does more damage to the garden if allowed to enter because his big feet don't know where to step! We have had to train him to wait to be invited into the garden area. This being said, cats are , well cats, and they have their own preferences. Most of ours have been very good, clean, and helpful to our farm

  5. Really great tips! And I love all the photos. Such cute kitties!

    Visiting from the HomeAcre Hop :)

  6. Great tips for the care of our devoted barn cats! Great pics too :)

  7. Tammy thank you for hopping over from the homestead acre blog hop!

    Sugar Cookies to Peterbuilts- interesting name! I bet there is a story behind it.

  8. Spay and neuter, best advis! The second year at my new farm, never having experience with feral and abandoned cats I had 3 females with 3/4 kittens each. I finally caught them all and took them to no kill shelter to find out they were full, our cats were not special enough for them to keep and I should bring them back each week till they could take them. Ha! Never caught them again. The next year I caught a few, my vets office told me about a low priced clinic, got a few adopted, but 2 years later I had 23 cats. I got all but 5 of the most reclusive fixed, a few died or disappeared but next year there were 20 more kittens. It is more.that $30.00 a week to.feed them, I made a concerted effort to fix all, only 1 female was not caught, she had a litter but I think they left or coyotes got them because I have never seen them. I cannot tell you how much this costs me, I feel responsible for these lovely beings, many of.which come and go in house, sheds, barn and roam my 10.acres. I could strangle my neighbouring community for being so thoughtless and uncaring. Please neuter your pets!

  9. Roberta, you experience is a perfect example of why we need to be responsible about spaying and neutering. So many people think that because you have property, they can drop off and abandon their unwanted cats and kittens for you. I have a friend that is going through exactly what you described. It is costing her a fortune. Thanks for commenting. Wish I had a solution for you.

  10. It's great that you take such good care of your barn cats. So many people don't. I grew up on a farm and we had animals dropped off all the time. Makes me mad when people do that :(

    Thanks so much for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop!!!

  11. Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!!Great info to share :)

  12. Thanks Lisa Lyn! Appreciate the comment!

  13. Just wanted to let you know that this post is featured on The HomeAcre Hop this week! Congrats!

  14. Excellent post!
    Thanks for educating people about s/n and actually FEEDING barn cats. Come visit my barn buddies when you have a chance:

  15. Wonderful post Janet! I enjoyed reading your story and helpful information. Love your photos (and your cats)! ~Katie

  16. OMG! I love your post, and the pictures are beautiful! I've always had indoor cats, but when we moved to Magnolia Holler, a barn cat came with the house! (She had a litter and 2 more showed up, so now we have 8 in our happy feline family!) Gaining their trust was the hardest, and took the longest.

  17. @magnolia Holler, thanks for visiting and leaving a great comment. I hope you are enjoying living the homestead life! I hope you will check back soon!- Janet
