Monday, October 10, 2011

Random Thoughts and Pics

Bear with me while I attempt to clear the writers block from my brain.  Here are some random samplings of what's been going on lately. 

My first phone was just like this.
I loved the flea market tables at this show.

Corn Maze Md Sunrise Farm, Gambrills MD
Tractor Shows. It seems if we are going to a tractor show, it will be raining.  Of course with the amount of rain we had this year, this could be said of almost anything we did.  Rain was a constant.  Everything else was unpredictable.  So here we were  on another rainy Saturday, heading to Arcadia to the tractor show.  Me, with camera in hand, because there is always something to be photographed and remembered.  I like to take pictures of parts of things.  I guess it's the lines, the shadows, or just a different perspective. 

I don't think anyone is unhappy with the weather we had this weekend though.  I ran to get my camera when I looked across the street from work and saw this scene.  The Maryland Sunrise Farm annual Corn Maze in full operation.  Crowds were having some good old country fun exploring the maze, getting tractor rides, buying pumpkins. and enjoying a beautiful Maryland fall day.  This is what community is all about.  

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