Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm Turning into a Pumpkin

I've gone through some unbelievable changes recently which have distracted me from writing this blog.  But life has continued and new discoveries um discovered.  My sister brought me a loaf of pumpkin bread at Thanksgiving.  Okay, so what it the big deal?  Pumpkin is a popular flavor at that time of the year, right?  Little did I know that this little loaf of pumpkin bread would be my downfall.  Who could have seen that this small can of pumpkin puree would keep me from eating healthy well balanced meals.  Who could have known that this friendly offering would haunt my dreams and cravings.  Who knew that I would crave little else until the loaf was gone?  What made this loaf so irresistible?  Chocolate Chips.  The addition of a handful or two of chocolate chips elevated the lowly pumpkin bread into a culinary delight.  I was hooked.   For weeks, I baked loaves of pumpkin bread with chocolate chips.  If I really liked someone, I might share a loaf.  But only if I had enough pumpkin bread for me.  Did anyone tell me that this obsession with pumpkin bread would lead to extra bodily fluffiness.  Not to mention that I get heartburn from eating pumpkin anything.  But I kept eating it and eating it.  And then I would bake some more.  I am finally out of the ingredients needed to make the bread.  I am trying to go cold turkey.  Keep me away from all grocery stores.  Please.

1 comment:

  1. I can certainly understand your obsession... you make the BEST pumpkin bread EVER!!!

    If you learn to make it gluten free, I may help you eat a loaf... :o)
