Monday, March 26, 2012

Cecily and Amelia 10 days old

Cecily and Amelia at 10 days old

Cecily and Amelia are now 10 days old.  They are active and healthy little chicks.  Amelia is a bit larger but she is not taking advantage of her bigger size.  She and Cecily get along very well.  As you can see in the pictures, the babies have grown a lot in one week.  Feathers are apparent on their wings and tails.

In this picture you can see how the wings and tail feathers are growing in.  It's hard to believe they are only 10 days old!

The girls look so funny trying out their spreading wings in their plastic brooder home. Cecily and Amelia eat only Purina Start and Grow Sunfresh Recipe so far.  Too many treats at this young age, can lead to health problems.  Better to save the treats for a bit later to ensure that they get proper nutrition while growing rapidly.  The Purina feeds are complete nutrition and require nothing to make a complete diet.  Since the babies are so energetic, I think they are getting what they need nutritionally.  The waterer base was switched to the regular base now that they are a little bigger.  I only use the quail base for the first few days .  It keeps them from getting into the water when they are small..

So far the chicks have been confined in the brooder and not had any exploration time.  Next time I update, I hope to ahve let them explore the floor area for a few minutes.  It depends on the temperature inside the house though.  Baby chicks at this age should still be kept at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  

Until then,  hope your new chicks remain healthy and happy like Cecily and Amelia.


  1. They are so cute - I think they would like some more friends. You should go to Gambrills General Store to pick up a few more feathered friends. Where did the names come from? Are you checking their butts?

  2. Yes we always check butts! lol
    Gambrills General Store is a fun place to shop for chickens and much more!
