Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Arrivals and National Poultry Day

Last week I heard there was a National Poultry Day.  Don't you just love how no matter what your passion or interest is, there is probably a day dedicated to it.  So, how did I want to celebrate National Poultry Day?  With new chicks of course!  Meet Cecily and Amelia.
Cecily and Amelia - 3 days old
 The newest members of our flock are White Rock chicks.  I have not had this breed before, so I did  a little background check on the breed.  White Rocks are one of the heavier breeds of chickens.  Known to be a good egg layer and a fast grower.  I am a sucker for the heavy chickens, already owning several Barred Rock Hens in addition to the Americanas, Rhode Island Reds, Silver Laced Wyandottes, and one beautiful White Cochin hen.  I also just love the Buff Orpingtons and Black Astrolorps.  So this seemed to be a great addition to our chicken family. 

I'm looking forward to watching Cecily and Amelia grow up.   This is just step one for this years additions!  Should be an interesting spring!  Check back here at the blog to join me in the journey. 

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