Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Great Outdoor Adventure

Cecily and Amelia and their little friend Mystery have been busy growing up and exploring new views.  Despite the fact that I was a slacker in the blogger department, we have been busy with all of our farm activities that occur in the spring.  New Haircuts for all the Sheep and Goats (see upcoming post on that activity!)  and new pens to build for all the new babies added to the usual animal care keeps us very busy.  Some nights I just can't wait to hit the couch and become part of the cushions!  So I was very happy to finally get the new girls down to the farm and into the baby coop.  They seem to like the new space and watching the older girls peck and dig.  I have also let them into the spare pen for a few hours at a time.  One day I put last years babies (now full grown but very docile) in with them and they all got along like old friends.  Have you been taking your new chicks out to play?  How are they adjusting to their new surroundings.  My girls are not too interested in the greens yet.  I give them a little of what I give the other hens but they are not into the strange new food yet.    Next week we start on a new adventure when our ducklings arrive.  I am planning a new duck area with a separate house and pond.  More on that later too!

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