Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Applesauce! Yes Please!

start with fresh apples
One of my happy childhood memories is of my mom making homemade applesauce.  It was comfort food, smooth and delicious. And, it was made by mom because she knew we loved it.  This year, some forty years later, I decided to make homemade applesauce myself.  This is not a memory that my children will have of me from when they grew up.  But, there is still time for those future grandbabies to enjoy homemade applesauce at my house! 

Cut the apples into six pieces each. There is no need to core or remove seeds or peel. Add 1/2  cup of water or apple juice.  I cooked the apples in a crock pot but you can use any heavy cooking pot, as long as you stir from time to time to prevent scorching the apples

cook 5   hours on high. 

The apples are ready when the skin is falling off and the apples are soft.

Place small amounts at a time in a food mill and process through the food mill.  Continue to add apples and process until all the apples are done. 

Cook the applesauce on the stove until hot and the consistency is how you like it.  Prepare the canning jars in the canner.  Remove the jars from the canner and using a wide mouth funnel, fill the jars to within 1/4 inch of top.  Remove air bubbles with a narrow plastic spatula. Wipe off the rims and close with the two part lids.

Process in a boiling water bath canner for 15 minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts.

Enjoy your applesauce and I hope it brings you sweet warm memories too.

(This entry can also be found on http://www.katieslanguagecafe.com/2012/10/french-cuisine-friday-recipe-link-up-3.html
 Katie's French Language Cafe Friday Cuisine Link up


  1. This looks yummy! I didn't know it could be done in a crock pot.

  2. Yes, I love cooking different things in the crockpot. It frees me up to do other things and also leaves the stove open for cooking something else

  3. It looks yummy Janet. It's so interesting to see the different ways people cook. There are so many options these days. Thanks for sharing this.
