Friday, September 14, 2012

Are You Going to the Fair?

midway at night

This week we are spending a lot of our time at the local county fair.  As a family we have spent much time at the fair over the last twenty years.  Our kids grew up being involved, in fact our youngest has been there every year since he was five months old.  He's coming home from college this weekend to help at the fair.  When the kids were younger it was a stressful week keeping them focused on school when they wanted to just get to the fair.  I would pretty much suspend most rules that week except for getting homework done.  The bedtimes were ignored, fair food was enjoyed, balance was not part of the plan.  We all have lots of wonderful memories of Fair Week.  This year, we are there once again.  Here are some snapshots of our fair.  Please share your favorite fair stories.  I'll share some more Fair moments next week. 

One of many cute faces at the fair.

I'm not sure why they got some grain and you didn't. 

my new friend.  I love this brown color

good night goats!  See you tomorrow

The horse pull competition was still going strong when we decided to call it a night.


  1. Very nice pics Janet. It looks like a great time!

  2. Fun! My youngest daughter took her rabbits to the fair as long as possible (we're 4-H promotors from way back). Her favorite, Velvet Ears, loved to go--he became very old, and certainly not a blue ribbon winner, but she kept taking him just because...

  3. Meredith there were some beautiful rabbits at the fair. Visited them all last night. A dwarf Rex won grand champion
