Monday, April 22, 2013

Farm Animal First Aid Kit

What I Keep In My First Aid Kit

Recently, I presented an evening seminar on Chicken Keeping for Beginners at  the feed store.  The attendance was great and the evening went well. I was impressed with the questions that the attendees had and everyone learned from each other as much as from my presentation.  It was one of those community events that make you proud and happy to be part of the neighborhood.
One part of my presentation focused on the items I keep handy at our farm, for emergencies with the animals.  I listed the items and explained some of the things that may have been unfamiliar to the group.
I began to think about posting this information here, as a reference.

The list looks like this:

Saline Solution- for cleaning and irrigating a wound so you can assess the situation

Vertricyn or Banixx sprays-  These products are antibacterial wound sprays.  I have had much success using them in the past, so I like to keep them around

Hydrogen Peroxide

Gauze Pads or roll of gauze


Iodine/Betadine solution

Syringe- for giving oral meds or even yogurt. 

Corn Starch or Wonder Dust- whether you accidentally nick the sheep when shearing or clip a toe too short, this will stop the bleeding quickly.  Usually these wounds are superficial but to keep flies off and let a scab form, pack some corn starch on the area. 

Neosporin- a MUST HAVE!

Cotton swabs/ Q-tips

Blue Kote-  is an antiseptic aerosol or pump spray that colors the wound dark blue.  Birds will peck at an open wound that shows red.  This camouflages the wound, giving the animal time to heal without becoming a target of more aggressive animals or chickens

Paper Towels


Electrolytes Powder- good to have on hand just in case.  Sometimes it's all that is needed to perk up an ailing animal

Nutra drench products  Rich in vitamins and energy, nutra drench makes a specific product for most types of livestock.  I like to have it on hand, as a "it can't hurt" type of product.

Vet wrap- I love this cohesive bandage for wrapping leg or foot wounds.  It sticks to itself, making it easier to wrap a wound.  For the ducks, I often use electric tape to hold the vet wrap in place longer, since ducks are so prone to stay wet and messy

Electric tape - see above

Old towels

Sharp Scissors

Flash Light

Another good tip, have some of your animal's favorite treat on hand.  As long as the animal is not in respiratory distress or shock, it will help you catch a wounded or scared animal if you have a favorite treat in your hand.

Most of these items are readily available from your local
drug store.  Having these things in your feed room or supply area,  can save you much stress when an emergency occurs.  It can save you a vet call, if you are prepared and have accumulated a bit of knowledge about what to do with superficial wounds and ailments common to our livestock and pets. Grab a sturdy box or plastic tote and assemble your own first aid kit for your homestead.  You will be glad you did if an emergency happens. 

Shared on
Farm Girl Friday Blog Fest

shared on Monday Menagerie


  1. Such good information for beginners! Thank you!

  2. Even those of us that have had animals for a lifetime can learn from this information - thanks for putting it all together! I have many of these items but need to put them in one easy-to-access location! And, try to keep my 7-year old out of it!

  3. First aid kits provide us easy access in providing first aid treatment for minor injuries and accidents. Basic first aid kits are most common for household use.

    First Aid Kits
