Monday, May 6, 2013

Millie's Spa Day

I was eagerly awaiting my appointment at the day spa.  My fleece had grown thick and luxurious all winter, but as spring approached, it was beginning to itch.  I was ready for  a shorter hairdo for the summer.  But first they needed to catch me.

Even though I like being pampered, I don't like being caught.  Ranger, my roommate, helped me dodge the caretakers.  They are smart, though and separated us using gates.  The next thing I know, I have a rope around my neck and I am on my way to the spa.  It's only a short distance from my field to the spa area, so I am being prepped before I know it.  First I get a handful of treats.  This girl likes her treats!

If I had known all that food was stuck in my coat, I would have had a snack!

Sticks and leaves are picked out first by hand, but I see the electric clippers ready on the table.  Soon I will feel the cool breeze and warm sun on my skin again.  The clippers make short work of my winter fleece.  It falls off in thick cascades of creamy wool.  I am proud of what I grew!  The caretaker carefully gathers it up and puts it into a basket.  After the majority of my wool is shorn off, the clippers go over my skin again to even up the cut and make me look my best.  I feel so much lighter.

Treat time again, and then it's time for my pedicure. I'll tell you the truth about this part.  I don't like it.  Not one little bit.  Especially my back feet.  But this is where they start. First a caretaker picks up one of my back legs.  I try to kick and wiggle my leg free.  They finally get me to hold still and begin trimming my hoof.  Once my hoof is trimmed back into the normal shape, the caretaker moves on to the next leg.  Once again, I put up a fuss.  Hey, I don't like it!  But before too long, all four hooves have been trimmed into shape and cleaned up nicely.  I have to admit, it does feel better.

Treats!  Yes!  this is the best part of all.  I hear Ranger crying for me in our pen.  I am ready to go back.  But the caretakers have one more treat for me before I go back.   I get a tube of liquid put into my mouth.  I don't like it but its not too bad.  I have heard them say that it keeps worms from living in my tummy.
After this I get one more treat and it's time to go back.  Ranger is so glad to see me again.  He sniffs me and I tell him all about my time at the spa.

And now it is dinner time.  This girl loves her food.  It's been a good day.

(I want to thank Millie for guest blogging for me today.  She wanted to tell you about her spring ritual in her own words.  I  hope you enjoyed this post. )

This post was shared on a wonderful blog hop from Backyard Farming Connection
so hop over and see some other entries on farm life

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I also can't help but give all my animals human thoughts and characteristics! Thanks for sharing!
